Help a young person age out of foster care… with dignity

Young person at partnering organization H.O.M.E.S., Inc.

Every year in Broward County there are over 600 young adults aging out of foster or relative care when they turn 18. With little more than the clothes on their backs, they are faced with the daunting task of becoming an independent adult, fending for themselves for the first time in their lives. Enter FLITE Center.

As the central resource center for youth aging out of foster care, it’s FLITE Center’s responsibility to ensure these young adults transition into independent living with a safe place to live and household items they need to live on their own. Of course, this is just the beginning of what FLITE helps them with- food, employment, transportation, education, and so much more. But without a safe place to live, it’s not possible to focus on the rest. DONATE NOW

FLITE Center Housing Staff, Ashanti Johnson providing young adult with a Welcome Home Basket.

FLITE Center Housing Staff, Ashanti Johnson providing young adult with a Welcome Home Basket.

Last year, FLITE Center gave 250 young adults Welcome Home Baskets filled with bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen supplies to help them make their transition from foster care to living on their own. This is in addition to providing them with other furnishings for their homes, like beds, lamps, tables, couches- basically everything they need to make it a home.

We need your help! To continue to provide every young adult with a Welcome Home Basket when they transition to independent living on their 18th birthday. Please sponsor a basket for $300 to honor these amazing young people. You can also donate one in honor someone else you love as a gift. Any amount you can afford to give, large or small, will help!

** If your company would like to sponsor Welcome Home Baskets, we can include your company’s logo or customize your baskets in other ways. Please click this link and we’ll contact you.

Listen as one of our young adults tells her story about receiving a Welcome Home Basket.